Pilea’s Leaves Curling and How Can I Fix It?

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Pilea owners often face a common issue: curled, wrinkled, or folded leaves. It’s alarming to see the plant’s normally flat leaves become distorted, but there’s good news. Leaf curling can be treated if caught early and the underlying cause addressed. Curling, cupping, and wrinkling usually stem from inconsistent watering, low humidity, improper lighting, temperature fluctuations, ...

Why is My Succulent Turning Yellow?

why my Succulent Turning Yellow
Gardeners fear when succulent leaves turn from green to yellow. Is this a sign of impending doom for your beloved plant child? Have you made some fatal error in caring for your living succulent sculpture? Take a deep breath. Yellowing leaves on a succulent, while alarming, do not mean disaster. People love succulents because they’re ...